My work is meant to challenge our common perception of authority and female reality. I have been heavily influenced by my experience on a personal and societal level, as the granddaughter of a military man, as well as the socioeconomic consequences of living in an idyllic destination of human rights violations. As a result, my art relies on research and the conceptualization of news headlines or political ideas that stem from the current Greek zeitgeist. I mostly work with conceptual art, intervention and the performative, while my visual work revolves around video poems that explore identity. I am inspired by artists such as Artur Zmijewski, Meleko Mokgosi, and theorists such as Judith Butler and Angela Davis. A common thread in my work is an attempt to communicate with the participant, the co-creator and the viewer in ways that can generate long-term change or inspire a will to revolt.

2021 - 07
In collaboration w/ Athens Pride. What excludes me from participating in A.P.?
A women's group discussing social exclusion and reclaiming social tradition
2020 - 12
Participatory Project
Participatory project
(part of:) Creta is Sinking
Reforming the heteronormative traditional Italian dance Taranta w/ a group of queer Italians
2021 - 04
In collaboration w/ Museum Dr Guislain Ghent
Imagine the Brain, Imagine the Other
Group exhibiton exploring art and the brain, psychiatry and the notion of "otherness"
2021 - 03
In collaboration w/ American College Paris
Greening the campus
Group of collaborators from IArts consulting on artistic research